Four of us connected to 4RV Publishing and to Pen and Keyboard Writers participated in the Border Queen Book Festival at Comanche, Oklahoma, Saturday March 7: Jacque Graham, Suzy Koch, and I are in the photo above.
Suzy's children's book Being Jacob: First Day of School hasn't been released yet, but she was handing out brochures about her first book from 4RV. Pre-orders are being taken now since the book will be released next month.
Dana Warren in the picture above and on the right as she talks with two customers. Dana's new children's book Colors was launched at the festival.
Best selling author Jordan Dane (who's an adopted member of Pen and Keyboard and a member of OWFI - Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc.) also attended.
We're hoping to return next year, but I hope my name, photo, and bio are not left out of the special edition of the local paper again. I was assured repeatedly that the oversight wasn't deliberate, and I know it wasn't.
I'm talking to people around Edmond, trying to create enough interest that we could have a book festival here. The University of Central Oklahoma (located here) has the only in-state MFA program in writing. Wouldn't that help promote the program as well as writers all over Oklahoma and adjoining states?
The next events on my agenda include an appearance at Duncan Middle School (9 miles north of Comanche) and the OWFI conference and autograph party. The head of gifted and talent program at the middle school asked if I would visit and give a talk to the middle school, and I agreed. I told her about Jacque's representation of Belle Cobb, the first Indian woman doctor in Indian Territory and the subject of Jacque's work in progress. Jacque has been invited, too. We're not sure of the exact date, but it will probably be after the OWFI conference April 30 - May 3.
Any body in Oklahoma looking for a speaker or guest appearance by an author? Here we are.
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