VBT Writers on the Move begins a new feature to the VBT: Writers on the Move Mystery Site Give-away. Each month, the winner will have the choice of receiving the Mystery Site Host's book or a guest spot on VBT Writers on the Move web site. If you're an author and looking for visibility, this is a wonderful opportunity. But, it's going to be a tough choice; our members have great books to offer.
REMEMBER, you can't win if you don't play the game, so please stop by our members' sites during the tour and leave a comment.
Dianne Sagan hosts Crystalee Calderwood
Harry Gilleland hosts Steve Tremp
Karen Cioffi hosts Vivian Zabel
Kathy Stemke hosts Heather Paye
Lea Schizas hosts Nancy Famalari
Nancy Famalari hosts Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Vivian Zabel hosts Kathy Stemke
Margaret Fieland hosts Dianne Sagan
Crystalee Calderwood hosts Deborah Weed
Katie Hines hosts Marvin Wilson
Helena Harper hosts Mayra Calvani
Dorothy Massey hosts Harry Gilleland
Liana Metal hosts Lea Schizas
Carolyn Howard-Johnson hosts Gayle Trent
Gayle Trent hosts Karen Cioffi
Mayra Calvani hosts Katie Hines
Marvin Wilson hosts Liana Metal
Anita Yasuda hosts Dorothy Massey
Linda Asato hosts Helena Harper
Heather Paye hosts Anita Yasuda
Steve Tremp hosts Margaret Fieland
Deboran Weed hosts Linda Asato
If you're interested in finding out more about our promotional group, you can send an email to: karenrcfv@yahoo.com.
Please put VBT-VBT in the subject line.
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