Over 14 years ago, two of my grandchildren were taken by their father. We had no contact with them, didn't know where they were, didn't know if they were alive or not. The pain nearly destroyed us. We loved them so much, and they were such major parts of our lives, my husband and I felt as if a chunk of our hearts had been ripped out. I can only imagine the agony their mother, our daughter felt.
Something had to be done with that severe pain and despair. I turned to my therapy - writing. Stolen was born.
Every year for 12 years, around the time they were last seen by anyone in the family, I would blog a letter to them, giving my contact information. A friend asked if he could spread my latest blog, November 2007, through the blogs of his friends around the world. Of course I agreed.
Early 2008, I received an email, "I think you're my grandmother."
Finally, the novel is coming out and a sequel will be possible.
Part of the promotion for Stolen, I'm holding a contest with the prizes copies of the ARC (Advance Reader Copy). If you're interested in reading more about the book and to discover how you can win an ARC, visit http://Stolen.yolasite.com.
God does answer prayer; He just sometimes takes much long than we want.
Retweeted your blog :-)
Thanks, my friend.
What a marvelous story.
How agonizing that must have been for your family. I hope that happier times are coming for the whole family. I will be looking for the book*:)
Ginger, thank you for the great review. For those who wish to read it: www.examiner.com/vivian-zabel-in-billings
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