Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 7 - Stolen Tour - J.R. Turner

We're over half way through the Stolen virtual tour, and today J.R. Turner hosts us. Please welcome Jenny to the tour by stopping by, visiting, and maybe leaving a comment.

Tomorrow's host will be my friend Dianne Sagan.

Will you let me know if you are enjoying the blog book tour, please?

Remember from now until Christmas, Stolen can be ordered from 4RV Publishing for a 10% discount at checkout, in fact all the 4RV books can be. Great Christmas presents for people of all ages.


Rena Jones said...

I'm way behind on blogs and tours, but I hope this one is going well for you, Vivian. It sounds like a fascinating book.

Anonymous said...

Vivian, I'm still getting caught up on my blog reading. I was about 5 or 6 days behind in reading blogs.

The stops on your tour that I have been to have all been great. I look forward to all the other stops along the way.