Monday, March 18, 2013

Puppy-sitting as Roof Replaced

     Our roof needed replacing for some time. The result -- leaks, leaks, leaks, and more leaks. Our ceilings are shot in many places. Also, Robert needs certain adaptations to allow for his power chair. He had to be able to get into certain rooms, so he made rough changes in doorways. The wheels on his chair tear up the carpet. Maintenance that he did over the years before becoming chair bound didn't happen. Our poor house is falling down around us.

     However, a wonderful organization called RebuildingTogether helps refurbish houses for the elderly and disabled. They chose our house for one of their Spring projects this year. Starting today, our house will be renovated, fixed, and made whole. The first step, replacing the roof, begins today. After all, repairing the insides wouldn't help if rain ruined it. 

     The dust and dirt from the junk being thrown from the housetop into the trash bin below would aggravate my breathing problems, and the excessive pounding would probably drive us crazier than we already are. Therefore, Robert has set his van on the street, with an electrical cord for a heater, so he can use the seat-bed and be comfortable. I'm going to my son's to puppy-sit, taking my antique laptop and Kindle Fire with me so I can take care of some business and writing, maybe some reading.

     We appreciate the wonderful people of RebuildingTogether who donate time, effort, and funds to help others who otherwise wouldn't have the house conditions they need. Aegis Roofing of Edmond, Oklahoma is doing our roof. The good people from Faith Bible Church, led by Bart Richey, will renovate the inside, making it handicap accessible, with some help from family members. I never heard the name of the electrician who will handle that part of the process. I don't know who will do the plumbing. The one thing I know for sure is the world has some wonderful people, and God blessed us by bringing us together.

     Thank you, RebuildingTogether. 


Anonymous said...

Hi, Vivian. What a wonderful thing all these people are doing for you and Robert. : )

Vivian Zabel said...

I thoroughly agree.


Nancy Kelly Allen said...

Wonderful story. Wonderful people.