Sunday, August 4, 2019

Life Gets in the Way of Life

     We often have such good intentions for updating our blogs, working on important projects, calling friends, and other things that life pushes aside.

     One excuse I have for letting my blog slide is the work involved in finishing my historical novel Burnt Offering. Between running 4RV Publishing and doing revisions of the novel (had six different editors tear it apart), I let my blog whither on the vine, so to speak.

     However, the novel went through all the process everyone else's does: submitted, sent by an imprint editor to an acquisition editor anonymously for evaluation, survive the full editing process (as I stated above, I had six different editors), do proof edits, and then wait for that book baby's birth.

     After the book arrived, friends held a book celebration for me June 29, 2019.

      Now, I finished celebrating, and the time to pay attention to other things, such as my blog and writing other books. I'm now concentrating on children's books and my autobiography (good sleeping material for sleepless nights, better than any prescription).



1 comment:

Karin Larson said...

My blog posting goes by the wayside at times as well. Congratulations on your novel!