Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Heartland New Day BookFest finally makes news

After sending news release after news release to area publications, the committee began to think that we would never have any publicity. Finally, today The Oklahoman had a small article. Hopefully it will bring in some registrations, but at last the book fest make a paper.

Heartland New Day Book Fest


Aidana WillowRaven said...

At least it finally made it in the paper. Any responses yet?

Rena Jones said...

Cool! I hope it brings in more local authors/illustrators!

Malcolm R. Campbell said...

Now that you have a story, maybe it will be easier to get another in the future. I hope a lot of people attend.


Holly Jahangiri said...

This looks so good - I hope a lot of people attend it, too. I'm still trying to figure out how I can make it up there.

Vivian Zabel said...

As of today, we have 25 authors and 2 illustrator/designers registered and on the website.

Take a look and see what you think.

Heartland New Day Book Fest @