Brian Porter, writing under the name Harry Porter, has his first children's book out, to be officially released tomorrow. November 5, copies of Tilly's Tale may be ordered from the 4RV bookstore. Within a week, it will be found on Amazon.com, B&N.com, and through most bookstores.
Mandy Hedrick, the illustrator for Tilly's Tale, created the following trailer.
It looks great!
Mandy did a good job, didn't she?
Cute dog. Looks like a fun book beautifully illustrated.
Hey Vivian. This book looks adorable.
I also listened to your blogtalkradio interview. It was great to hear your voice and your motivation for 4rv Publishing.
The story sounds interesting. I liked the trailer, but was wondering if it had music to go with it, and didn't come up on my computer?
Yes, the dog is adorable - looks so scruffy!
I love doggie stories, and the cover is so sweet. Congratulations, Brian and Vivian.
Katie, no, no music, just a slide show.
Thanks, everyone, for leaving comments. I think this book is a good one, and one that has a strong message.
Wonderful. Best wishes for everyone's continued success.
Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
The Golden Pathway Story book Blog
Donna M. McDine’s Website
Gotta love a book about a dog! Congrats everyone!
Terry knows about dogs, too. Wait until people read her book from 4RV, Sled Dog Seasons, in 2011.
Thanks to everyone for their wonderfully kind comments about Tilly's Tale. There are two videos (with music) that relate to the book on You Tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC4-mtRCio8 and at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChqvQYFUQHY&feature=fvw
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