Monday, December 13, 2010

Still Need 3 addresses for ARC winners

The following people are winners of ARCs from the Stolen blog tour:

Steph Burkhart, the winner from Holly's blog Shipped

Suzanne Drazic Shipped

Elazar Shipped

Cheryl Malandrinos Shipped email bounced

Penny Ehrenkranz Shipped

Carolyn Leonard Shipped

Beverly McClure Shipped

Terry Forchand Still need address.

Please email your mailing address at I'll mail the ARCs as soon as I have the addresses.


Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

Woo Hoo! Thank you so much, Vivian. I know this will be a great read.

Vivian Zabel said...

As soon as I have the mail addresses, I'll prepare packages and take them to the post office.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Thank you, Thank you, Vivian. I'm so excited.Been wanting to read Stolen ever since I heard about it. Will email my address pronto.

Vivian Zabel said...

Printing labels so I can package ARCs and take to post office later this week. I hope more people get me their addresses.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vivian. I am so excited! Thank you! I'm going to get my mailing address sent to you ASAP.

Vivian Zabel said...

Six addresses down, two to go.